9 Natural Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall in Winter

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By Anu Thakur on 21 Nov 2022 |
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9 Natural Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall in Winter

Hair loss is one of the most usual problems affecting men and women. A great amount of hair loss in winter is mainly due to the dry, and damp air outside that absorbs all the moisture from your head and makes it itchy and dry. A dry scalp leads to dry hair, resulting in hair damage, loss, and breakage. A dry scalp also leads to so much dandruff, which makes your head feel unhealthy and itchy.

This, along with dry air, can cause a large amount of hair fall in the winter. Even those with the healthiest hair face challenges this time of the year. If you are considering what you can do to ensure your hair doesn’t fall out or break in the winter months, read on to discover what you can do to stop hair loss in winter. Have a look!

Natural Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall

1. Aloe Vera
Is there any health or skin problem that aloe vera can’t solve? We think not! Apart from healing many skin conditions, aloe vera is also powerful in calming and cleaning the scalp, like itching and flaking. This allows the hair follicles to grow softer, healthier, and shinier. If you haven’t utilized aloe vera to prevent hair fall, do so by massaging the fresh aloe vera on the scalp. After that, leave it for about 20-30 minutes before washing it with water. With daily use, you will notice that your hair fall has diminished considerably. Aloe Vera, which is lightly alkaline, restores the natural PH level of the scalp. It can also be utilized for the best treatment of dandruff. It boosts hair growth effectively.

2. Indian Gooseberry or Amla
Packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, Amla or Indian Gooseberry is another effective natural home remedy to stop hair fall. One of the main causes of hair fall is the deficiency of vitamin C, so consuming Amla will strengthen the hair follicles and assist you in controlling hair fall. It will also assist promote faster growth of hair and maintain a healthy scalp. Apart from keeping your hair strong and healthy, Amla will also assist prevent premature hair graying.

3. Curry Leaves
You may have heard often from your grandma that curry leaves are very profitable for the health of your hair. It turns out, she was 100% right this whole time. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, & E, and minerals, these curry leaves impart health and vitality to your family. It also promotes hair growth and stops premature greying of hair. Want to know how to stop permanent hair fall utilizing curry leaves? Apply the paste of crushed naturally curry leaves onto your hair straight and wash after 30 minutes. Or add a few drops of essential curry leaves oil to a carrier oil of your preference and massage your scalp and hair.

4. Eggs
Eggs are rich in protein and calories, which is why they are significant for our overall health. However, very little reaches your hair when you eat this protein source. Therefore, if you wish to stop hair fall, it is vital to apply it to your hair. For this, mix one egg in a bowl and apply it on cleansed, damp hair and let it for at least 10 minutes before washing.

5. Flax Seeds
Flaxseed is one of the best natural ingredients to pamper your skin and hair that you can add to your daily hair care routine. The rich vitamin E content in flax seeds assists in reducing radical damage caused by environmental pollution. This assists in keeping your hair follicles strong, thereby reducing breakage. Flaxseeds also contain lignans, which are fiber-like compounds to repair hair damage and save your hair against damage. It is very simple to utilize flaxseeds in your hair care routine.

6. Fenugreek Seeds Fenugreek seeds are another best natural home remedy that works really well to control hair fall. These seeds are very rich in natural hormones that promote your hair follicles and quick hair growth. Fenugreek seeds are a very rich source of protein, which helps to strengthen the hair, healthy hair, and prevent hair fall. Make a paste of soaked fenugreek seeds after that, and apply it all over your scalp and hair before rinsing it off to see incredible results.

7. Onion Juice
You have probably heard about this remedy but cannot bring yourself to use it because, well, onions smell, and you don’t want individuals far away from you. But did you know the amazing properties of onions make them an excellent ingredient to stop scalp infections, improve blood circulation, and stop hair loss? Onion juice is your answer to preventing hair fall. Grind one onion and extract the juice, and apply it to your scalp utilizing a cotton ball. After that, let it stay for 20-30 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water and shampoo.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another main reason for hair fall from dryness could be clogged hair follicles. Bacteria and dirt can clog your hair follicles and stop the natural oils from reaching them. It is significant to unclog the hair follicles to prevent or fix this, and here’s how you can do it. Wash your scalp and hair with apple cider vinegar, and after that, water rinse. This natural home remedy will unclog pores and promote hair growth.

9. Neem Leaves
Neem, well-known for its medicinal properties, is a powerful herb for treating hair loss. It assists the hair follicles to become stronger & shiny and also encourages hair growth. Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, it is an excellent way to curb dandruff. Just boil and grind neem leaves to make a paste. After that, apply it to your scalp. Wash it off after 30 minutes. Repeat the process twice a week and notice the change.

So, what are you waiting for? Equipped with all this information on winter home hacks, it’s time to enjoy the coziest season of the year with fabulous open hair and hair fall-free days. Make these natural tips a routine for your winter hair care, and make great hair with great care!

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Anu Thakur


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